The 2 nd International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation

13 July 2566


           The 2 nd International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation (DGTi Con 2023), hosted by the Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), invites submissions from global researchers and scholars in governance and technology. With AODP, the conference aims to enhance communication and cooperation on open data and data application among Asian nations and create a strategy based on their unique needs and situations. DGTi Con 2023 brings together researchers, practitioners and users worldwide to exchange knowledge and ideas on latest developments in governance and technology. The conference will cover a wide range of topics including governance of automation, sensor devices, AI, big data, transparency, cybersecurity, innovation, accountability, collaboration, privacy, featuring computational, technical, social scientific and integrative approaches. The conference’s goal is to provide an international platform for discussions on cutting-edge research and concepts aimed at balancing transparency, cybersecurity, innovation, accountability and privacy. It offers a unique opportunity to share findings, engage in discussions with peers and learn about latest developments in the field.


Registration and payment


Full Paper Submission:Postponed
Acceptance Notification:Postponed
Early Registration Period:Postponed
Camera-Ready Submission:Postponed
Maximum Registrations: (Total)No limit



           The 2 nd International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation (DGTi Con 2023), hosted by the Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), invites submissions from global researchers and scholars in governance and technology. With AODP, the conference aims to enhance communication and cooperation on open data and data application among Asian nations and create a strategy based on their unique needs and situations. DGTi Con 2023 brings together researchers, practitioners and users worldwide to exchange knowledge and ideas on latest developments in governance and technology. The conference will cover a wide range of topics including governance of automation, sensor devices, AI, big data, transparency, cybersecurity, innovation, accountability, collaboration, privacy, featuring computational, technical, social scientific and integrative approaches. The conference’s goal is to provide an international platform for discussions on cutting-edge research and concepts aimed at balancing transparency, cybersecurity, innovation, accountability and privacy. It offers a unique opportunity to share findings, engage in discussions with peers and learn about latest developments in the field. Topics of interest include the following but not limited to:

Technology Innovations in Public Sector                                 

           –  E-Government
           – Data and Knowledge Management
           – Policy Analytics
           – Digital Rights Management
           –  Digital Citizenship, Digital Identity
           –  Participatory Government
           – Social Analytics
           – Personal Data Protection and Privacy
           – Social Media
           – Teleworking
           – Data Science
           – Blockchain
           – Network and Security
           – Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning
           –  Robotics
           –  Internet of Things
           – Cloud Computing

           Sustainable Technology for Agriculture and Food Systems

           –  Sustainable Agriculture
           – Farming and Natural Resources
           –  Agricultural Management Practices
           – Soil Treatment
           – Urban planning
           – Climate and Climatic Changes
           – Environmental Restoration
           – Smart Agriculture and Urban Farming
           – Energy Efficiency
           – Renewable-Energy
           – Precision Agriculture
           – Intelligent Tools and Methods for Farming System
           – Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment
           – Waste Treatment and Management

           Services and Welfare

           – Policy Standards and Guidelines
           – Disaster Management
           – E-Justice
           – E-Voting
           – Interoperability
           – COVID recovery
           – Homeland security
           – Smart Health
           – Smart Transportation
           – Quality of Government Service
           – Innovation in Public Management

           Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME)

           – International Business Management
           – Franchising and Outsourcing
           – Small Business Marketing Research
           – Entrepreneurship
           – Logistics and Supply Chain Management Economic Development & Sustainability
           – Service Innovation
           – Tourism and Hotel
           – Customer Engagement
           – Customer Relationship Management


           – Arts and Humanities
           – Blended Education
           – Business Education
           – Contemporary Issues in Education
           – E-Learning
           – Education System Management
           – Technical and Vocational Education
           – Modern Teaching Methodologies
           – Special and Inclusive Education



    • Prospective authors are invited to submit original full paper of 4 to 6 pages in the A4 standard IEEEXplore double-column format (including tables, figures and references). The full-paper review process is double-blind, and authors must take all reasonable steps to conceal their identity in a submitted paper:
    • Be sure NOT to include author, email and institutional identities ANYWHERE in the paper, including the title, author and header areas.
    • If you cite work by any of the authors, please also conceal your identities in the reference section. List your own papers as “Blind year” or “Anonymized year”, and do NOT give any details of the paper.
    • Make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document’s metadata (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box).
    • Be sure that a paper must be able to be processed for similarity checking by text processing.
    • Note that authors still have to fill in information about all authors and their affiliations and emails in the Easy chair submission system . The process of anonymity applies to the submitted paper only.

Submissions will be rejected without review if they are over the six-page limit, or if they fail to conform with the formatting guidelines in other ways (such as the use of too-small fonts, including in graphs and figures), or if they are not anonymous, or if they cannot be processed by similarity checking, or if the scores of their similarity to other articles is reported over 30%, or if they are incomplete.

    • The submitted full-paper must not be currently under review in any other conference or journal and has not been previously published. All papers submitted to the DGTI CON 2023 must be written in 

English and formatted 

    • .
    Please use the following templates to prepare your paper (use A4 only):



All papers must be submitted electronically through Easy chair Conference papers submission system. If you do not have Easy chair account , please create an account to submit your contribution. It is suggested that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.

Registration and Presentation Policies

Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that at least one author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present the work. Note also that it is insufficient for an author to register and pay for the conference to be regarded as fulfilling this obligation. Should any author of the accepted paper not present their work, the paper will be withdrawn from the conference proceeding submitted to the IEEEXplore Digital Library.

Only accepted and presented papers will be published in conference proceeding and presented papers will be submitted to the IEEE Explore for further indexing.                                                                                      

Important Note

IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEEXplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.